Building A Simple Portfolio Website

Renz Ivan Enguio
2 min readApr 15, 2021


As a freelance web developer, having a portfolio made me stand out from the rest, and boosted my employment rate. It doesn’t need to be complicated, you just need it to be simple. Think of it as a museum for your artwork, where people can go to one location and see all your crafts.

Check out my sample portfolio, if you need something like this read more below!

1. Knowledge in HTML and CSS.
2. Github account.

1. Look for an HTML template. (I used html5up — it was the first page to show up on google and its FREE!)

2. Customize it and make it your own!

3. Create a new repository on Github. Format:

4. Upload your files. Important: index should be at top-level. (You can use git commands if you want)

5. Click Commit changes to save it and push to Github.

6. Go to Settings > Pages and click the link to your portfolio website.

That’s it! Your portfolio is now hosted on Github for FREE!



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